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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

A Man Sent From God

John 1:6-8

6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John.

7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe.

8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

Quickword: A Man Sent From God

Over the next several days, I‘m being led to

look at scriptures that lead to Resurrection morning. I want to start today looking at John 1: 6-8. Here we find the narrative Of the forerunner of Jesus Christ, a man sent by God. John’s ministry demonstrates to all of us the blessings of knowing and full filling ones mission.

- John was a man sent by God, not self appointed

- John was a man sent by God to be a witness of the coming Messiah

- John was a man sent by God who knew his purpose, the purpose of being a witness of the light that was coming into the world.

We are living in a time where darkness is attempting to overcome light. Each of us who confess to know Christ has a role to play in assuring that light of the world is illuminated in every dark place. While we carryout our role, let us remember who we are and our purpose. Like John, we all have a God sent purpose to be witnesses of the Grace and Mercy of God. Please know that wherever we are, we are on a Divine assignment to introduce the world to the light of the World. Like John, we have been sent by God…

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