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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

A Open Invitation

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Romans 10:13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Quickword: An Open Invitation

As we continue to look back at the birth of Christ and look forward to His second coming in this advent season, we have an open invitation to be in fellowship with God through Christ Jesus. In Romans chapter 10:13, the Apostle Paul drops this open invitation upon all of humanity. Paul pens to persons in Rome, "whoever calls in the name of the Lord shall be saved"

The invitation to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior is open to everyone

The invitation comes from God himself to accept His son as the sacrificial gift who paid the penalty of our sins

The invitation is always open, all we have to do is call on the name of the Lord.

This 10th chapter or Romans finds Paul opening by saying my hearts desire and prayer for Isreal is that they might be saved. My beloved sisters and brothers that is my desire and prayer for anyone who engages this post and does not have a personal relationship with Jesus. I pray that if you have not been saved that you will call upon the name of the Lord. It does not matter you race, gender, ethnicity, orientation, etc. If you can confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is the son of God and that He died for our sins you are saved. Today, I pray that if you encounter this Quickword and you desire to be saved, say this prayer:

Dear God in Heaven, I am a sinner and I need you in my life. I believe your son Jesus lived, died and rose again for my sins. Right now I am saved in the name of the Father, Sin and Holy Spirit. If you sincerely prayed that prayer you are saved. If you don't belong to a Church, I encourage you to find a Bible based, Christ Centered , Holy Spirit led fellowship where you can grow in the word of God. The invitation is open to all.

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1 Comment

Hannah Johnson
Dec 16, 2023

Amen,Praise God!!!

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