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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

A prayer of Jesus

John 17:14-15

14 I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 15 I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one.

Quickword: A prayer of Jesus

My beloved Sisters and Brothers, when you have time I ask you to read the 17th chapter of the Gospel of John. In this chapter, you will find three prayers. Jesus prays to God the father for himself, he prays for his disciples and then he prays for all believers. I selected a portion of the text for words of encouragement where Jesus prays for His disciples. As a follower of Christ, I readily admit that I know I need Him. There is power in prayer:

- Jesus prays acknowledging that He has given the Word of God unto us.

- Jesus prays knowing that the world hates those who are followers of Christ.

- Jesus prays that God not remove us from the world but to protect us from the evil one.

We are living in some strange times. The continued physical and financial impact of COVID 19. The national division among political parties. The desire for persons and states to distort the history of this country, the good, bad and the ugly. The rising cost of the necessities of life. The increase in cost of adequate housing. Potential conflicts with other countries around the world just to name a few things. Today, I’m grateful knowing that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God still petitioning the Father for on our behalf. I’m grateful for the word of God that has been given unto us. I’m aware that we physically reside in this world but our walk is not of this world. Jesus prays that while we are in the world that God the Father will prooct us from the evil one. Right now I pray in the name of Jesus that wherever this day takes you that the covering and protection of God be upon you. I pray for educators and students around the country as you return to classrooms with individual and collective concerns. I pray for persons who are struggling to make ends meet, those who are simply trying to maintain shelter for their families and struggling ti put food on the table. I pray now for those who are struggling with an illness or loss of a loved one. I pray for those who are dealing with abusive relationships at home and on your job. Jesus didn’t pray to remove us from this world but that God would protect us from the evil one. God in the name of Jesus, please protect and provide for those who come before you today as only you can. God you know and you have all power in your hand. Touch as only you can touch, heal as only you can heal, deliver as only you can. God we need you today! Hear this thy servants prayer; we will be careful to give you all honor, glory and praise in the name of Jesus.

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