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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

A Restored Soul

Psalms 23:3 He restores my soul;

He leads me in the paths of righteousness

For His name’s sake.

Quickword: A Restored Soul

Everyday life can come upon us and leave us feeling overwhelmed. Perhaps this is where you are today. We have been dealing with the impacts of a global pandemic for two years; work schedules have changed, you are homeschooling your children, you maybe a single parent trying to do it all along. The current environment has put a strain on your relationship with your spouse of significant other. Many if not all of us have had to say farewell to someone during this time who passed away. At this point you find that your soul is tired. This is the kind of tired that’s not fixed by just a good night sleep; but our souls need restoring. The Psalmist in this very familiar passage reminds us of the restoration that is found in the Lord:

- The Lord restores our soul

- The Lord leads us into right relationship with Him

- Our restoration serves as a testimony to His name.

If you find that your soul is tired, I encourage you to carve out sometime to spend with Jesus. My brothers and my sisters, cast all of your cares upon him for he cares for you. I’m not telling you something somebody told me but I’m writing out of my own experiences. The Lord will restore your soul. Whatever burdens your soul, take it to the Lord in prayer. If you can’t find the words, I’ve learned just to call His name. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

Dear God in Heaven, I pray for every person who finds that there soul is burdened by the challenges of everyday living. God, you know what each of us are currently facing. I asked in the name of Jesus that you will restore our souls. God lift burdens, heal broken hearts, wipe away tears, repair broken relationships, give us peace that surpasses all understanding. God hear our prayers and restore our soul. We will be careful to give your name all of the honor and glory in Jesus name! Amen

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