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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

A Soldier of Jesus Christ

2nd Timothy 2:3 You therefore must endure[a] hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

Quickword: A Soldier of Jesus Christ

We pause today to celebrate men and women who have served in our armed forces. Today I honor and celebrate those persons who were called to duty through the draft and those who became a part of the armed forces on their own volition. We simply say thank you for your service. This Quickword devotion highlights the Apostle Paul’s direction to his son in the ministry Timothy. He encourages Timothy to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Echoing the words of Paul, I want to encourage each of us to be good Soldiers in the kingdom of God.

- A Soldier can expect to endure hardship; ministry is not for the faint of heart

- Don’t settle for just being a Soldier but strive to be a good Soldier in the Lord’s Army.

- A good Soldier’s reward will come from God himself.

As we celebrate Military Veterans today, let us take inventory of our service as Soldiers of Jesus Christ. Let’s strive to give our very best in service to the kingdom of God. If you need motivation today to serve the Lord to your greatest ability, remember God sent his very best in Jesus Christ who endured the suffering of the cross for your sins and my sins. One day, we who served and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior at the end of this journey will hear the voice of the master saying servant, well done, enter now into the joy of the Lord.

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1 kommentar

Hannah Johnson
11 nov. 2023

Amen Preacher. Thank you for your service as well. Well done. Praise God.

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