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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

A Stronghold in Times of Trouble

Nahum 1:7-8

7 The Lord is good,

A stronghold in the day of trouble;

And He knows those who trust in Him.

8 But with an overflowing flood

He will make an utter end of its place,

And darkness will pursue His enemies.

Quickword: A Stronghold in Times of Trouble

Late last night/early this morning, I watched a news summary of this week events. This summary highlighted some of the challenges that we continue to face as a nation and those things that are affect our daily lives. There was a brief synopsis on the January 6th congressional hearings into what took place on the U.S. Capital. There was an update on the ongoing discussion regarding new gun laws as a result of the almost daily mass shootings in this country. There was a report on the current state of the economy. Gas prices on a National level are above $5 for the first time in history. There was a chart displayed showing either a percenrage or cost increase of items now as compared with the cost last year. For example, airline tickets are up 38% from this time last year. The cost of milk, bread, and bacon have increased significantly. After watching this report, can I tell you what I did. No, I didn’t get upset or pace the floor. I went to bed and had a great night sleep. Here me clearly, its not as if any of these things brought forth in this news summary are not having an impact on my life, not at all. I filled my SUV up on yesterday, $81.23, some of you all know the pain. Yet, the words of the Nahum allowed me to place my head on a pillow of peace. You see I know where my help comes from. Nahum reminds us in these two verses that:

- The Lord is Good! That’s a personal testimony.

- The Lord is a stronghold in the day of trouble.

- The Lord knows those of us who trust Him.

- The Lord will make a way and protect us from the darkness of this world.

My brothers and my sisters, I know it is hard. Many of us are just trying to make it from this day to the next. All I want you to know is that the Lord is a stronghold in our days of trouble. Somebody missed the chance to give the Lord praise. A stronghold is a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack: So today as children of the most high God, take comfort in knowing that the Lord is good, Take comfort in knowing that He knows where we are and what we are going through. The Lord is our stronghold (fortress, bunker, safe place) in the time of trouble. We have this promise, God will never leave us or forsake us.

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