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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

At the Throne of Grace

Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Quickword: At the Throne of Grace

My brothers and sisters, this has been a difficult week thus far personally for me and I’m sure as well for others. The horrific acts of violence that occurred in Buffalo have kept me up. Why is this one different from the others you may ask? I really can’t answer that, yet every time I read the names of the victims or see their pictures or hear their stories there is a connection. I reside 1650 miles from Buffalo but this is personal. This connection goes beyond skin color. They are our mothers and fathers, they are our sisters and brothers, they are our aunts and uncles. They are our grandparents, the youngest victim being young enough to be my daughter. The question posed in this Quickword is where do we turn individually and collectively for relief. This 16th verse in Hebrews gives us an invitation to boldly come to the throne of Grace that we obtain mercy and find grace in the time of need.

- Thank you God for the privilege of allowing us to come unto the throne of Grace.

- Thank you God for granting us unmerited favor (Grace).

- Thank you God for withholding the penalties for our sins (Mercy)

So today, I boldly come before the throne of Grace, thank you God for your Mercy that is everlasting and your Grace that is still sufficient. God I pray for persons who like me are having restless nights due to horrific acts of violence. I pray for persons who are having restless nights worried about how they will pay bills and put food on thier tables. Lord I pray for public servants who are pushing against a political climate that pits one group against another instead of working together for the common good of all. God, I pray for men and women of God who are ministering to people while going through their own challenges. Dear God in Heaven, we come to your throne of Grace to obtain Mercy and to find Grace in the time of trouble. God, I thank you even now for what you will do, for what you have done and what you are doing at this very present moment in time. God, move, touch, heal and deliver as only you can in the name of Jesus! Amen

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