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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Bless the Lord at all times

Psalms 34:1

I will bless the Lord at all times;

His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Quickword: Bless The Lord At All Times

The Quickword yesterday was a prayer for those who are weary as a result of the burdens of life, for those who need rest and restoration. When I was led to post yesterday morning, I had no idea of some of the great difficulties many of you are going through. I thank you for sharing on this platform and through other means. I'm led today to remind all of us to bless the Lord through praise. I know the difficulties of life are real. I'm spite of the difficulties, The Psalmist encourages us to bless the Lord at all times. Bless the Lord when you get the diagnosis, bless the Lord when you have to say farewell to your loved one, blessed the Lord when gun vilolence takes more lives, bless the Lord when he or she walks away from the relationship , bless the Lord when you are passed over again for the promotion. Bless the Lord at all times. Let His praise be continually in our mouths: I ran across the below message from an author by the name of Kathy Howard: Sister Kathy listed 9 benefits of praise: I bolded the one that resonated personally with me...

Praise refocuses our minds on God and connects our hearts with His

Praise fosters awareness of God’s presence with us.

Praise pushes the worries of this life into the background.

Praise reminds us of who God is and what He has done.

Praise recalls God’s past provision, thus strengthening our hope in His future deliverance.

Praise voices our dependence on God, relieving our fears.

Praise helps develop an eternal perspective, paving the way for God’s peace.

Praise opens our hearts to receive God’s joy.

Praise fulfills the purpose for which we were created, bringing fulfillment.

Those of you who know me or have ever worship with me know I can be found saying repeatedly that God is worthy to be praised. Y'all that sentiment is not some catch phrase for me, but it reminds every time I say it of who God is. My brothers and my sisters, some of you all are in the midst of the greatest storm of your life. I simply encourage you to bless the Lord and let Him minister to your brokenness, loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Whatever you are going through , praise will encourage you. Later in this 34th Psalms, vs 8 the psalmist declares "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him." Hold on, keep trusting in the Lord, help is on the way.,,

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