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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Choose This Day

Updated: Dec 9, 2023

Joshua 24:15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of [a]the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Quickword: Choose This Day

As a child growing up, my sisters and I did not have a choice about where we would be on Sunday mornings. My parents were people who had faith in God. They had rules and guidelines for us to follow, yet at the same time they were not parents that did not allow us to live. We went to concerts and movies, we played sports , we went to parties, I had what I’d consider a balance childhood. My parents now rest with the Lord, my childhood days are but a distant memory. As an adult, with an adult son and grandchildren now, my choices are mine to make. In this text, the writer makes it plain, we need to choose whom we will serve. Choose This Day!

- The choice is clear, serve the Lord or another entity.

- If the Lord seems evil unto you, your choice is made for you

- However, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

Today, the choice for my family is clear; we chose to serve the Lord. Matter of fact, the Lord is the only choice. He is the only choice because you see we have a track record with him. The Lord has kept us since our very existence. The Lord has provided and protected us during the good and bad times. The Lord had a proven track record as He has healed our bodies. The Lord has both open and close doors that were for our benefit. Even if God does not do anything else, He has already done enough. But the reason He is our choice is that while we were yet sinners, He gave his life so that we might have life more abundantly. So today, you have a choice…It’s your decision!

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1 Comment

Hannah Johnson
Dec 03, 2023

My choice is to serve the Lord. I pray all of my relatives sons grandsons daughters in laws and all children’s will choose to serve the Lord. Glory to his name. Amen!!!

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