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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Encourage one another…

1st Thessalonians 5:11Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Quickword: Encourage one another...

This Quickword post is much later than I post normally each day. This morning, I didn't want to write out of frustration. I'm frustrated with having to work and minister with undisciplined people. Frustrated with the current political landscape at the national, state and local levels. Frustrated with the apathy that seems to be prevalent when it comes to voting, education, and just in general the treatment of the least among us. Yet as I made my way to the sanctuary, I was encouraged by the presence on a member of our church who has not been unable to attend church for three years due to health concerns, who was able to be in worship today. The joy of her presence in the sanctuary was encouraging. After I arrived home , I received a called from a brother beloved. This brother said he was riding down the road and the Lord placed me in his spirit and he immediately called. As we talked he shared with me how the old hymns and songs of the church were encouraging him. He reminded me of the song, "Trouble don't last always", he reminded me of the hymn, Pass Me not o Gentle Savior. I was blessed by the call because it was a word of encouragement.

  • Encourage one another

  • Build one another up

  • Keep doing what you are doing

I'm grateful for the presence of Senior Saints who still bear witness to the goodness of the Lord. I was encouraged by my call from Pastor D. Williams today. God knows what you need and when you need it. Stay encouraged my brothers and my sisters even if you have to encourage yourself. Blessings!!!!

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