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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Encourage Someone Today!

Psalms 34:4-5

4 I sought the Lord, and He heard me,

And delivered me from all my fears.

5 They looked to Him and were radiant,

And their faces were not ashamed.

Quickword: Encourage Someone Today!

My brothers and my sisters, I am tremendously blessed. I have a great spouse who stands with me through all that life brings. I'm blessed to have two sisters that are just phenomenal. I'm blessed to have a few close friends who are there to support even before I have to asked. I'm blessed to belong to a church that truly is love. This morning I was blessed as one of the readers of the Quickword sent me a word of encouragement; she had no idea of the challenges I was facing this morning of balancing work, school and ministry. When we corresponded, she said, I quote " The Holy Spirit told me to reach out". Y'all not only did she reach out but she sent the text for today's

Quickword. Psalms 34:4-5

- In the midst of our ups and downs let us continually seek the Lord.

- When we seek the Lord, He hears our prayers.

- The Lord can deliver us from all of our fears.

- When we seek the Lord, He will give us peace, joy and hope that makes us not ashamed to call on Him.

Beloved it, again I am blessed, you see this morning's word of encouragement I received was just confirmation to do what God has call us to do. We have engaged in this daily devotional for some 700 plus days together. Thank you for your engagement, your prayers and words of encouragement. Most importantly, I hope this platform and almost daily Quickword serves as a vehicle for you to seek the presence of the Lord. My sister, I thank you for the Word of encouragement today, it was answered prayer. My brothers and sisters If you have time today, no I'm asking you to make time to reach out and encourage someone today. I promise you, not only will they feel better but you will as well. Encourage Someone Today!

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