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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Father Into Thy Hands!

Luke 23:46 Jesus called out with a loud voice,“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”[e] When he had said this, he breathed his last.

Quickword: Father Into Thy Hands!

Has there ever been a situation or circumstance in your life that made you cry out to God. If you have never had that experience just keep on living. There comes a time in all of our lives when we will have to cry out to God. Here in this text, we find Jesus calling out to God. It’s Friday around the 9th hour, Jesus has been nailed to a cross at Calvary and hung between two thieves. The pain of this day is unbearable and in His last breath, Jesus cries out to God. His cry is not one for help but is one of absolute surrender. I want to suggest in this Quickword today that yiu surrender unto God anything that’s causing you pain. The pain of continued mass shootings in this country, the pain of the loss of a loved one, the pain of dealing with a long term illness, the pain of a fractured relationship or the pain of inflation, it is enough to make us cry out to God. The good news is we can absolutely surrender all of our cares to God. God is still a protector, God is still a comfo, God is still a healer, God is deliverer, God is still a provider! If you need to cry out, go ahead, we can surrender all of our cares and concerns to God. There is nothing He cannot handle. No matter what comes my way, I’m going to trust in God, He has brought us to far to leave us! Father into thy hands I commit my spirit!

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