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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Genuine Friendship

1st Samuel 18:1-3

1 When David had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was bonded to the soul of David, and [a]Jonathan loved him as himself. 2 Saul took David that day and did not let him return to his father’s house. 3 Then Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself.

Quickword: Genuine Friendship

I am tremendously blessed with the two of the best sisters anyone could ask for. I don’t have any biological brothers but I’ve been blessed to have some friends who are as close as brothers can be. I reflect on two of them this morning who both now rest with the Lord, one who passed in December 2020 (Rich) and the other in February 2021(OB). Last night I had a chance to talk to a friend, who is my fraternity brother and brother in Christ. We have been friends for over 35 years through thick and thin. This text in 1st Samuel reminds me of the importance of GENUINE friendship. Jonathan the son of King Saul was bonded to David who would succeed Saul as the King of Israel. Jonathan could have easily been upset that David would ascend through the throne but instead his soul was bonded to the soul of David.

- Genuine friendships keep you connectEd over time and in spite of distance.

- Genuine friendships celebrate the successes of one another and support one in times of need.

- Genuine friendships are covenant relationships.

The world in which we live in today, real friendship is rare. I know we are all busy but I encourage you to take the time and connect with genuine friends. If possible give them a call or make plans to connect when possible. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. I thank God for friends who stick closer than brothers. Yet there is a friend who laid down His life for you and for me. He laid down His life in spite of our sins. There is no greater friend that any of us can have than being in relationships with Jesus. He is more than a friend, He is our Savior! We can reach Him in the morning, we can reach Him at the noon day hour, we can reach Him late in the midnight hour. Jesus is a friend like no other! If you don’t know Him, get to know Him!

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