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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Get Up & Turn Back

Jeremiah 8:4 You shall say to them, Thus says the Lord: When people fall, do they not get up again? If they go astray, do they not turn back?

Quickword: Get Up & Turn Back

Jeremiah the weeping prophet in chapter 8, verse 4 puts forth a couple of questions that are more than relevant today. The question in my words are When people fall in sin, do they get up again? When people go astray, do they turn back to God? There was a time when the answers to these questions seemed to be surely they get up and turn back to God. Beloved, I must confess this morning, as I survey the landscape of America, I’m not sure if we get up and turn back to God. I’m not even sure if we have the desire too.

- As a nation we refused to come to grips with the original sin of this country.

- The sins of America have become her building blocks

- The prophetic voices have mostly gone silent, but I hear the voice of the Lord saying to a remnant to cry out get up & turn back.

I truly believe we are at a critical juncture where those of us who confess to know Christ must get up and turn back. Get up from our places of comfort and turn back to Christ work. Get up from the tables of earthly political power and turn back to the prince of peace. Get up from the seats of compromised success and turn back to the crises in our communities across racial, gender and social boundaries. The first step is an individual response. I’m asking myself and if you see the need, ask yourself what do we need to get up from and to whom do we need to turn back to?

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1 commento

Hannah Johnson
17 nov 2023

Thank you for the encouraging word. Be blessed. Amen

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