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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

God In A New Year!

Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Quickword: God In A New Year!

Happy New Year Everybody! Thank God for a New Year! As we have now made it into a New Year, I want to celebrate the fact that we made through 2022 , through the ups and the downs of life, sickness, the loss of loved ones, political unrest, the continued challenge of racism in America, we made it through another year of Covid 19 and multiple variants, we made it through thunderstorms, floods and even here in the state of Texas another year of record high temperatures . I’m grateful for the fact that those of us who know the Lord realize that we made it into a New Year not on our own but by the Grace and Mercy of God! The psalmist poses a question to all of us as we begin this New Year. Since God has brought us through, what then do we say?

- We say God, thank you for your Grace and your mercy!

- We say God, thank you for being with us!

- We say God, thank you for being with us, and because you are with us, who can be against us! We have the Victory!

My Brothers and My Sisters I look forward to what God has in store for us in 2023! If I'm

honest, 2022 in many ways was a difficult year for my family and I. Like many of you there were some challenges that we faced that only God knows about. I'm truly grateful to see a New Year. The Prophet says Jeremiah captures my posture in chapter 29:11as we enter this New Year: "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope". Beloved It, the good news is that God is with us , the same Gid who kept us through 2022 is the same God in the New Year. His grace is still sufficient and His mercy is everlasting. As we enter into this year, I'm certain that No weapon formed against us will prosper. God will be with us in the New Year as He was in the last year. God is with us and because God is with us, nobody can be against us. We sang a song in out watch night service last night that reminded us that God has never lost a battle and that He never will. God you are worthy to be praised!

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