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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

God is with Us

Psalms 46: vs 1 and 11

God is our refuge and strength,

    an ever-present help in trouble.

11 The Lord Almighty is with us;

the God of Jacob is our fortress.

Quickword: God is with us

This morning as I listen to the howling of the wind blowing outside with the understanding that most of the country is under a winter storm, I found comfort in the opening and closing verses of this text.

  • God is our refuge and strength

  • God is ever present in times of trouble

  • God is with us and He is our fortress

This morning I take comfort in knowing that we serve a God who is ever present especially in times of trouble. Let us pray mightily for those who are dealing with the impacts of this winter storm. Those without power, those who are traveling, and those first responders who are working to make sure we are safe. Yet beyond the winter weather storm, many of us find ourselves dealing with the storms of life. In this very brief Quickword, I simply remind you that God is with us, He is ever present even in our times of trouble. God is our refuge and our strength.

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