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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

God's Plan for Our Future (Sep 4)

Updated: Jan 6, 2022

Jeremiah 29:11-12 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

Quick Word: God’s plan for Our Future

This morning I must confess perhaps from my time in serving in 26 years in the military, I like to plan and know what I’m doing. I want the know the answers to the questions, who, what, when, where, and how. This lockstep approach served me well while serving in uniform but I’ve learned in life, it is not our plan that matters but it is the plan of an omniscient God! In this text, God was speaking to the children of Israel who had been exiled in captivity for 70 years. God reminds them as they are postured to return to their homeland that He has a plan for their lives. This morning, some of have been exiled and held in captivity by the situations and circumstances in our lives. Today, we may be postured to return to God from whom we have drifted away. We are returning to Him, yet in our humanity we are concerned about the plan that God has for our lives. The quick word this morning assures us that God’s plan for our lives is designed to give us a future and a hope!

- God knows the thoughts He has toward us - God thoughts are of peace and not evil - God plans to give us a future and a hope - God’s plan pave the way for us to come to Him in prayer and He will listen to us

Dear God in Heaven, we come before you today knowing that we are sinners saved by your Grace. Father, remove any doubts we have about our future. Father we come even now placing out trust in You knowing that your plans for us are for our peace and not evil. We thank you for what you have done in our lives, we thank you for what you are doing and we thank you for the hope for the future we have in you. I’m Jesus name we pray, Amen!

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1 Comment

Sep 04, 2021

I'm sure Glad "He" knows what the Future holds. Aman. MJ

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