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God’s Plan for You!

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Quick Word: God’s Plan for you!

One of the great joys of serving as the Minister of Pastoral Care is the great privilege my Pastor has entrusted me with is providing leadership/oversight of our New Members Orientation. This ministry is a blessing because over a six week period I get to hear the stories of our New Members, primarily how they came to unite with our church. Today’s class was unique in that it was made up of persons with Christian experience. The time today although we completed the scheduled class turned into time of reflection on how good God has been to us through the years. I heard testimonies of how God is healing one from a deadly form of cancer. Another person shared how they were finishing a degree with a plan to pursue studies in religion. A couple shared how God had sustained them from Illinois to Mississippi and now Texas. Their testimonies blessed my soul and highlights the encouraging word in Jeremiah 29:11; simply put, God has a plan for our lives:

- God knows the thoughts he has toward each of us.

- God plans for us is a life of peace and not evil.

- God’s plan for us is a plan of a future and a plan of hope..

God’s plan for us are sometimes delayed due to our actions or inactions. Yet our human shortcomings do not defeat God‘s plans for us, they are just delayed. For those of you who use GPS or some navigational device in your cars, when we go off course, our devices recalculate our directions. The quick word today is a word of encouragement. If we find ourselves off course, we can recalculate and turn back to God and get back on track. This is true of a nation, an organization, a relationship and our own personal journey! God has a plan for us, plans for a future and a hope! If needed, don’t miss the opportunity to get back on track! Don’t put it off, start today! Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you!

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