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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Heal The Land…

Psalm 41:3 The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will [a]sustain him on his sickbed.

Quickword: Heal The Land…

This past weekend through the beauty of Thanksgiving; I found myself crying out to God for healing. I was overwhelmed just knowing of persons both far and near who are in the need of a healing. A mother who is recovering from a major illness, a senior man who is critical but continues to improve against the odds, an infant child who physical battles will serve as a testimony to many. My cry exteded beyond physical ailments where as a nation we are hemorrhaging from old wounds of racisms and maltreatment that have never healed. The scars of these old wounds are continually opened by racist language and systematic injustices upon poor people, people of color and those who come to America looking for better. The cry unto God is to heal the land.

- The cry is a cry of confidence upon the name of the Lord in Faith that He is a Healer!

- The cry is a cry of concern for those who face health issues that are beyond the capacity of humanity.

- The cry is unto the Lord who has the compassion to hear and answer our prayers.

Today Lord, I come crying unto you to touch the bodies of those whose strength has faded. I come crying with confidence knowing that you are God and that you are indeed Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals. I come crying for the healing of the land, that some will turn to you and others will turn back to you knowing that the healing of the land is possible through your Grace and Mercy! Hear my cry before you today Lord, if it be your will, please heal the Land!

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