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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Hear Our Prayers

Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Quickword: Hear Our Prayers

A Five year old dies in car after being left in car accidentally by a parent after returning from the store. A Young person is killed at a restaurant after customer complains about there being too much mayonnaise on a sandwich. 46 persons dead, 16 Injured as authorities find a tractor trailer carrying immigrants. My brothers and sisters, above are just some of the stories I’ve encountered over the last day or so. These events along with others have sadden my heart. I ask you sincerely to join me in prayer for a grieving mother and family in the loss of a child. I asked that you pray with me for the loss of life in another senseless killing over a sandwich. Pray with me in the loss of lives of people whose names we may never know who took a desperate and dangerous journey to try and get to a better place only to lose their lives. God hear our prayers come before you.

- Let us come boldly before the throne of Grace.

- We pray knowing at the throne is Grace and Mercy.

- Hear our cries for a nation, families and individuals in our time of need

Dear God in Heaven, we stand today at the throne of Grace. God we come standing in the gap for those who are so overwhelmed with grief, loss and pain that they are unable to call on you. God we come knowing that you know about every situation and every circumstance. Cover these families and so many others who stand in the need of prayer. God let your presence be felt among those who need you like they have never needed you before. God I asked that you comfort as only you can, heal as only you can, provide as only you can! Let your Grace and Mercy fall fresh upon the land today in Jesus name. Amen

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