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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Heavenly Priorities!

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Quickword: Heavenly Priorities!

In today’s fast pace lifestyle, we often schedule more things to accomplish than our time permits. I can only speak for myself but in order to get the most important things done, I prioritize those things which are most important and most urgently need to be accomplished. Here In Matthew‘s Gospel chapter 6 we find what I want to suggest are the keys to prioritizing our lives as believers in Christ.

- Seek First the Kingdom God

- Strive to live a life that’s is pleasing unto God daily.

- Salvation, security, & strength are a testament to me on what can be expected when we have Heavenly Priorities!

There is an old song that the Saints sang when I was growing up. They would sing, I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus! The key is not only waking up with our minds stayed on Jesus, but to also maintain heavenly priorities. The criteria that I use that I learned from a dear friend of mines years ago is that if you have heavenly priorities then our words and actions will address one of the following:

Our words and actions….

- Give God The Glory

- Build Up The Body Of Christ

- Bring Lost Souls into the Kingdom Of God

When we seek the kingdom of God First and His righteousness everything that we need is available to us. So today my beloved brothers and sweet sisters, let’s us prioritize our thoughts , words and action based on an heavenly mindset.

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