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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Help from the Lord!

Psalm 124:8

Our help is in the name of the Lord,

Who made heaven and earth.

Quickword: Help from the Lord!

In the last verse of Psalms 124, vs. 8, we find this declarative statement: Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made the heavens and the earth. Psalms 124 is a reflective psalm. Verse 8 is the answer to a rhetorical question asked in the early part of this Psalms. A rhetorical question is a self question or statement phrased as a question that does not need an answer as the one asking the question already knows the answer. The specific question or statement in psalms 124 is, If it had not been for the Lord who was on our side…{where would we be} this question or statement for the believer does not require a detailed response because

we know that:

- Without the Lord Our enemies would have swallowed us up ( destroyed us)!

- The Lord is ever present and working on our behalf!

- Our help comes from the Lord, He is our deliverer!

As believers in Christ, when the enemy attacks us we don’t have to fear because we know our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. God is sovereign, He has all power in his hand. So my brothers and my Sisters, we don’t have to worry because God is with us. Our situations and circumstances would be a whole lot different if not for the Lord on our side. We can take comfort in knowing that our help, all of our help comes from the Lord who is on our side!

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Oct 18, 2021

When I was young at my home church in Red Bank NJ, in Youth Church we would say, "GIWU". God Is With Us. I think of GIWU, all the time. Deacon James

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