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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Help is on the Way!

Psalms 121:1-2

1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—    where does my help come from?My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Quickword: Help is on the Way!

I am blessed to fellowship in corporate prayer with ministers of the Antioch Baptist Church every Friday Morning. We started this prayer call at the onset of the spread of COVID -19 and for the last 2 years and 4 months we have met faithfully in prayer for our nation, frontline workers ( Dr’s, nurses, respiratory technicians, CNA’s, etc.), members of our church, educators, political leaders at the national, state and local levels. We lift our Pastor and other Pastors and ministry leaders as they navigate serving in these challenging times. Every Friday morning, I’m grateful for this collective time of prayer as it reminds me that we can still look to the hills from whence comes our help and our help comes from the Lord. I’m reminded as I listen and meditate on the prayers offered that:

  • God is still sovereign; simply stated God is still God

  • We can look to the hills knowing that our help comes from the Lord.

  • The one whom our help comes from is the maker of Heaven and Earth.

The good news today is no matter what you are going through, Help is on the Way! If you are grieving, Help is on the way! If you are sick, help is on the way! If you are struggling with making ends meet, Help is on the way. I simply want to encourage you that God is still God and that Help is on Way!

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