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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Hold Out, The Sun is Gonna Shine

Philippians 4:19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Quickword : Hold Out, The Sun is Gonna Shine

A few days ago while driving to my office, the song titled “Hold Out, The Sun in Gonna Shine“ began to play. When the song reached Verse 3, I was in full on praise, I was thankful for my faith in God. It‘s my faith in God that has kept me in both the good and bad times. The words of the third verse of the song are:

I won't let go of my faith

the sun is gonna shine if I hold out,

the sun is gonna shine if I hold out.

I know that persons reading this today are facing some of the most difficult times of your lives. I pray that the words of this song encourage you as much as they did me on yesterday. In Philippians 4:19, the writer of this text gives us a testimony of the blessings of holding on to our faith, knowing that:

- We are the children of the most high God

- Knowing that My (Our) God will supply all of our needs

- Knowing that God is able to do anything but fail.

The bridge of this song reminds us

Weeping may endure for a night,

trouble don't last always;

joy comes in the morning,

just wait 'til the morning.

My Brothers and Sisters, no matter the magnitude of the challenges that you are facing today take comfort in knowing that if we don’t let go of our faith, the sun is gonna shine if we hold out.

I pray for the person who finds themselves overwhelmed by the realities of life; the loss of a job, the death of a love one, the burdens of raising children, dealing with a broken relationship, fighting an addiction, God I am a witness that if we hold onto our faith, the sun is gonna shine if we hold on to our faith. God shall supply all of our needs, physical, emotional, financial and spiritual, just hold on , the sun is gonna shine in the name of Jesus!

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