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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Honor Those Who Labor (Sep 5)

Updated: Jan 6, 2022

1st Thessalonians 5: 12-13 And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. Be at peace among yourselves.

Quick Word: Honor those who Labor:

The month of September is a special month at the Antioch Baptist Church in San Antonio, TX where my wife, Rev. Mignon Jones-Spann and I have the great privilege to serve under the leadership of the Senior Pastor, Rev. Kenneth R. Kemp, MD. This month we honor Pastor Kemp and our gracious First Lady Velma Kemp for 12 years of Pastoral leadership. It goes without saying that Pastoring is a labor of love, it long hours, it’s ministering to people at their lowest points, it is a sacrifice to include time away from one’s own family. As Pastor, there is never a day when the burden of responsibility of caring for the souls of members is not present. Today, Mignon and I join the members of the Antioch Church in Saluting our Pastor not only for leading us over the last 12 years but especially during the last 18 in the midst of a Global pandemic.

We salute you Dr. Kemp and First Lady Kemp for your tremendous service to the Antioch Church, the Eastside Community, the City of San Antonio and for sharing your ministry and medical expertise across the United States, but most importantly, we honor you and Lady Velma for your service to the body of Christ. This quick word text urges us as followers of Christ to honor those who labor, so in the month of September, we pause to say thank you for your ministry towards all of us. - Honor those who labor on our behalf.., - Honor those who Ministry gives Glory to God… - Honor those who labor to build the Kingdom of God…

Happy 12th Pastoral Anniversary Pastor and First Lady Kemp. May God continue to Bless and Keep you is our prayer.

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