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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

How Are You Doing?

1st Peter 5:6-7

6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

Quickword: How are you doing?

This year my wife and I decided not to go out on Valentine’s Day for dinner and opted for some downtime at home. A couple of days ago we were able to have a late Valentine's dinner. When our waiter Jeremy for the evening approached the table and introduced himself and asked how we were doing, we both responded that we were good and asked him, how are you doing? Jeremy, somewhat caught off guard by the question paused and said I don‘t know how I’m doing, customers rarely ask. Today, in this space, I want to ask all who will read this post the same question, how are you doing? Some of you, just by my personal engagements with you, I know you are going through as a result of the recent loss of a loved one. Others of you are recovering from or preparing for surgery. There are friends of mine who still serve in the military who again find themselves preparing for potential deployments around the world. Seniors who engage with this post who are dealing with increased cost of basic needs and medicines. Young families who are juggling work and family. Pastors and ministers who are attempting to provide support to congregations while dealing with your own struggles. This morning, I just want to ask each of you, how are you doing? 1st Peter 5:6-7 is a scripture that encourages me when the challenges of life are present:

- We can humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God.

- Take comfort in knowing that in due time the Lord will exalt you over all of our situations and circumstances.

- We can cast all of our cares upon Him (Jesus), for He cares for you and I.

Again today, I just want to check on you. How are you doing? Y’all, it’s ok not to be ok. I just want you to know someone is praying for you. Whatever you are facing today you can cast all of your cares upon the Lord. He cares for you, He is always available as He neither sleeps or slumbers.

Dear God in Heaven, I come before your presence asking that you bless and comfort every person who shall read this post. Lord, you know what we are facing individually and collectively. We cast all of our cares upon you knowing that you care for us. We cast them upon you because we know that you are a healer, we know you are a deliverer, we know that you are a comforter in times of crisis. Lord, even if we don‘t know how we are doing, thank you even now for your grace that is sufficient and your mercy which is everlasting. Lord, be with us today, in the name of Jesus . Amen.

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Hannah Johnson

Thank you for asking. I am bathing in a loving remembrance of how God is still in charge. I am so glad I trust in God to answer my prayers. And he is still the greatest when I be still and let him fight my battles. I am tearful as I post this blessing for it is so true while I was thinking how this problem was going to work out God had already showed himself as a problem solver. Preacher it is really true. God is a way maker. I give him all the praise and glory. Just be still and trust him He’s really a way maker. Praise God. Amen!!!!

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