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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

In the midnight hour

Acts 16:25-26

25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.

Quickword: In the midnight hour

Yeaterday while driving, Fred Hammonds song “We’re Blessed” came up in my playlist. The lyrics to vamp of the song are:

Late in the midnight hour

God's gonna turn it around….and around

It's gonna work in your favor

In our Quickword, Paul and Silas are in prison and at midnight they were praying and singing unto God. Suddenly an earthquake occurred, the foundations of the prison were shaken, immediately all the doors were open and everyone’s chains were loosened. My beloved brothers and sisters, as a nation its midnight. It’s midnight when innocent lives in Ukraine are being taken. It’s midnight, when members of the U.S. Congress speak along side those who advocate White Supremacy and against democracy. It’s midnight, when the greatest nation in the world is divided along racial, gender, and financial lines. The question is what do we do as believers at midnight?

- At midnight, offer prayers and singing unto God.

- At midnight, keep trusting in God!

- At midnight, know that God has the power to turn everything around…

I must admit, I’m greatly concerned about where we are as a nation. Yet, I’m also even while greatly concern hopeful, not because of what I’m hearing and seeing, but because of my faith in God, knowing that God can turn things around. My beloved brothers and sisters, I believe, late in the midnight hour, God’s is going to turn things around. God is going to turn things around and they are going to work in your favor and my favor. There are some difficult days ahead both far and near but I take comfort in knowing that God is still sovereign. It’s midnight but I trust that God is going to turn things around and work out in our favor.

Dear God in Heaven, we come to you in the midnight hour. We pray for the people of Ukraine who are under attack, we pray for those families who have already experienced the lost of life. God, I ask that you allow your spirit to fall upon those persons who can be used as a bridge for peace. I pray for the President of the United States, his advisers and those members both military and civilians that will carry out his orders. Father, I know you are all knowing, ever-present and all powerful! God it’s late in the midnight hour, please God, turn it around, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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