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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Is There No Balm?

Jeremiah 8:21-22

21 For the hurt of the daughter of my people I am hurt. I am mourning;

Astonishment has taken hold of me.

22 Is there no balm in Gilead,

Is there no physician there?

Why then is there no recovery

For the health of the daughter of my people?

Quickword: Is There No Balm?

Over the last several years, we have been bombarded with one major challenge after another. First of all we endured a global pandemic in which a great number of us had to say goodbye to love ones, sometimes in austere conditions. Secondly, we are witnessing the most divided government in the United States that none of us have seen before. Third, the number of mass shootings have caused us to become numb. There are wars in Ukraine and Gaza with no end in sight. Disagreements abound over issues such as reproductive rights, immigration, gun control and the roll back of civil rights to include the attacks on Diversity, Equityand Inclusion (DEI). I could take this entire space and highlight the challenges that face us individually and collectively. These events cause us to ask the same question that the prophet Jeremiah was asking as he surveyed the landscape during his time. This prophet asked the relevant question that is also being asked again today, that question being, Is there any Balm. is there any balm in America, is there any balm in my state, city or community. Is there any balm in school, church of even our respective homes.

- Conflict among nations is cause for us to mourn

- Is there any Balm that can heal the multitudes of divisions among us.

- There is balm available and the balm is Jesus Christ

My brothers and sisters I beseech you to call on the name of God to intervene for peace. Pray that God will move on the hearts of those who are making decisions to continue war, decisions on immigration, decisions on gun control, decisions on protecting and providing for the least among us.

Dear God in Heaven, we petition you in the name of Jesus to intercede in the current conflict that is ongoing in our world. Father speak to the leaders involved, make your presence known. The question posed in this Quickword; is there is any balm? Yes, there is balm and the balm resides in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us pray for every person who finds themselves in harms way both near and far. May the peace and presence of God serve as a healing and soothing balm throughout the world! Amen

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1 Comment

Hannah Johnson
Feb 29

Yes sir there is a balm in this sometime evil and hard world My prayer is to a God who sits high and looks low. Who sees the troubles of this world to enter in and show himself mighty and strong As I pray God have your way. Amen

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