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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

It starts with Prayer!

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

Luke 6:12 Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.

Quick Word: Start With Prayer!

When we get to Chapter 6 in the Gospel according to Luke, he has laid out the narrative of the Birth and Baptismal of Jesus. He has introduced us to John the Baptist and his role as the forerunner of Jesus. He begins now to chronicle the earthly life of Jesus as he begins his earthly ministry. I believe from this verse there is a lesson we can all learn from. The lesson or the quick word extracted from this verse is that we should always start with prayer!

After stealing away to pray, Jesus calls the disciples, after calling his disciples in chapter 6 verses:17-19 he engaged a large multitude and he heals all manner of sickness and disease. Lastly, as Luke Chapter 6 comes to an end, we find Jesus preaching and teaching in what we know as the Beatitudes or Sermon on the mount. Whether it was calling disciples, healing the sick or preparing to preach or teach the Word of God, it all starts with prayer!

-Prayer brings us into the presence of the Sovereign God!

- Prayer prepares us for the privilege and pressure of Ministry.

- Prayer provides access to the power of the Holy Spirit to preach , teach and live the Word.

My Brothers & Sisters, no matter where you are in life, I encourage you to Start with Prayer! Dear God in Heaven, as we start this day, we start by acknowledging that you are the sovereign God. We thank you God for all that you have already done. We asked that the power of the Holy Spirit press upon us to Start , each and every day in prayer!

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