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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Jesus Wept!

John 11:35: Jesus Wept.

Quickword: Jesus Wept

The shortest text in the Bible, but why did Jesus Weep? Scholars suggest 4 possible reasons.

1: Jesus wept out of Compassion for Humanity.

2: Jesus wept over the wages of Sin of the World.

3: Jesus wept knowing the Sacrifice of Calvary that was before him.

4: Jesus wept due to the accusations and pending actions of the Religious Leaders of the day.

We live in a world where it seems at times that the enemy is winning. Yet as believers in Christ like Jesus we wept. We wept for various reasons. We wept for humanity yet we weep tears of joy because of the Divine!

* I weep today for bereaved, sick, abused and marginalized people.

* I weep today for the sins of humanity.

* I weep today for the gift of Salvation.

* I weep today for compromised prophetic voices.

Weeping May Endure for a Night but Joy will come in the Morning!

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