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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Let Go and Let God

Luke 23:46 And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, ‘into Your hands I commit My spirit.’ ” Having said this, He breathed His last.

Quickword: Let Go and Let God…

In one of His final moments on earth in is human existence, Jesus teaches and demonstrates to us a message of absolute surrender. Jesus has been beaten and spat upon. Jesus has been wrongly convicted. The crowds a week ago had shouted in the streets Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Those chants were replaced days later with chants of crucify him. Jesus is nailed to the cross at Calvary, yet He teaches us in his darkest hour to Let Go and Let God.

- We will face some incredible challenges on this journey call life.

- There will come a time where we must decide in whom we will place our trust.

- Jesus trusted His father in Heaven absolutely.

Today my brothers and my sisters, I don’t even need to ask what you about the challenges we are all facing. The rising cost of the necessities of life have impacted all of us. We are impacted by decisions made by politicians and even the highest court in the land who seemingly are more interested in maintaining power than they are in mandating policies for the good of all. The current state of affairs is enough to make us want to throw in the towel. However, Jesus gives us directions in our times of trouble. Even in our darkest hours, we can call on our Father in Heaven and commit our Spirits unto him. God is just and He will never leaves us or forsakes us. I implore you before you give up on your marriage, your career, your business , your education, your finances, and before you give up completely, Let Go and Let God. You know the story, Jesus let Go and Let God, yes He died, and was put in a borrowed tomb, but three days later He rose with all power in his hands. Whatever you are facing, Let Go and Let God!

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