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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Let’s Pray

This morning as I sit in the airport waiting on my flight home instead of a Quickord, I’m compelled to pray.

Let’s Pray…

Dear God in Heaven, I come before the throne of Grace in the name of Jesus. Father, I pray you comforting peace upon those who this morning are grieving the loss of a love one. I pray that you will give them a peace that surpasses all understanding. I pray for families impacted by storms that caused the loss of life and destruction to property. I pray now for those who have a medical diagnosis and find themselves concerned about the outcome. I come praying for families, praying for marriages that are stressed, praying for strained relationships between parents and children, confusion and conflicts among siblings. I ask God that you intervene where senseless wars rage and the loss of innocent life. God I ask that you remind seniors whose steps have shortened and vision diminished that you still hold them in the palm of your hand. I pray for young adults as they make their way in the world. I pray for children, that you place people in their lives that will love, keep and protect them unconditionally. God, I come before you just asking that today you show yourself mighty, that you show yourself strong. God, even as we faced a number of issues, we acknowledge that you are still the King of kings and Lord of lord. We acknowledge that you still reign over Heaven and Earth. Thank you God for your Grace and your Mercy. Forgive us of our sins and we will be careful to give your name all the honor, glory and praise in the name of Jesus! Amen

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