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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Let’s Pray…Day 2

Eternal and all wise and loving God. We come before you presence recognizing how unworthy we are to come before you. God we come this morning just to say thank you. Thank you for watching over us last night while we slumbered and slept. Thank you for waking us this morning. Thank you that as we arise we our minds are intact and we have the use of our bodies. We say thank you for provisions, a roof over our heads, food for our tables, clothes for our backs. Thank you gir giving us peace as we navigate the ups and downs of life. Thank you for your Grace that is still sufficient. Thank you for your mercy that is everlasting. We thank you know on this Sunday morning for the privilege to be able to gather for corporate worship. We thank you for just being God. We thank you for supplying all of our needs. We thank you for family and friends. We thank you for love ones who have transitioned from this life to life eternal. We thank you for what you have done, what you will do in the future and for what you are doing right now. We thank you for being alive and for another chance and another chance and another chance to call on your name. God we thank you knowing that if you don't do anything else, you have already done enough. Thank-you, thank-you, thank you, This is thy servants prayer in the name of Jesus! Amen

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