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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Mind Stayed in God

Isaiah 26:3

You will keep him in perfect peace,

Whose mind is stayed on You,

Because he trusts in You.

Quickword: Mind Stayed on God!

On most Saturday mornings, my wife and I have breakfast. Due the like most of you our schedules are busy and we have set aside time to catch up on Saturday mornings. Yesterday, she had an early commitment and we couldn’t have breakfast. After writing Quickword, I started putting things on my a to do list to fill my day. I then realized I had a great opportunity to spend some extended quality time with God. Before you judge me, I spend time with God every day, that’s where the Quickword comes from. Yet on yesterday, I had the opportunity to spend uninterrupted time with God. This time was not preparing for s sermon, Bible study of school work, it was just time spent with God wher I could talk with Him but more importantly I could listen and hear from God. In this Quickword we come to the understanding that:

- We can have perfect peace in God

- This peace comes when we keep our minds stayed on God

- When our mind is stayed on God; it expresses our trust in Him

 My beloved brother and sister, if you are like me you are juggling a myriad of things in your life. We faced the challenges of working and providing and protecting our families. We are striving to be a part of a faith community/church that is making an impact where we can. We are navigating relationships with spouses, children, parents, employers and coworkers just to name a few. Any of these challenges are enough to interrupt our peace. Yet, here in Isaiah we find a word that details what is needed to find peace, perfect peace. We find peace when we our minds are stayed on God. As yesterday progressed, there were a few things that came at me that normally would have disturbed my peace. I was intentional about staying focused on God and as a result my peace was sustained. When our minds is stayed on God, we know with certainty that there is nothing that God cannot handle, there is nothing that God cannot bring to fruition, and their is no enemy that has power over God. Our peace comes when we keep our minds stayed on Him!

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