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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Never Forsaken

Psalms 37:25-26

I have been young, and now am old;

Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken,

Nor his descendants begging bread.

26 He is ever merciful, and lends;

And his descendants are blessed.

Quickword: Never Forsaken

Yesterday was easily one of the best days of the year for me as my wife and I were able to pick up my son and his family from the airport for a holiday visit. It was the shouts of Mimi and Papa that made yesterday a special day. The noise of electric cars and beating drums, foam building blocks and kids books filled the room. It is in these moment that now as Papa, this text reminds me of the blessings of God I was once young and now I'm older (still holding on) and as a result I can be a witness to the words of the 37 number of Psalms.

  • I was young but now I'm older yet I've never seen the righteous forsaken

  • I have never seen the the descendants of the righteous beginning bread

  • The Lord is ever merciful and He lends children and grandchildren unto us

  • Our descendants are blessed

What a blessing it is to make it to an age where we can enjoy the generational blessings from the Lord. I'm looking forward to every minute of this next week where I will probably stretch some muscles getting up and down off the floor and chasing the grandchildren at the park; yet again in these moments, I'm grateful to God for keeping me this far. I truly hope and pray that each of you who may encounter this post likewise finds yourselves grateful for the blessings of the grace and mercy of God. The Lord will never forsake the righteous and we are made righteous through the gift of and personal relationship with Jesus Christ who lived, died and rose again for our sins so that we may have life and life more abundantly. Blessings upon you and yours!

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Dec 27, 2022

Moments such as these are priceless. Enjoy!

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