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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Oh Give Thanks!

Psalms 107: 1-3

1 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

For His [a]mercy endures forever.

2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,

Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,

3 And gathered out of the lands,

From the east and from the west,

From the north and from the south.

Quickword: Oh Give Thanks!

On occasion we should pause to simply give God thanks. Before we ask Him for anything, we should give Him all the honor and glory that is due Him. Today’s, Quickword is just a moment to give God thanks. The Psalmist implores us to give God thanks because…

- The Lord is good

- The Lord’s mercy endures forever

- The Lord has redeemed us out of the hand of the enemy.

Today, I ask you to take a minute and just thank God for what He has done for you. This should be a very personal time of thanksgiving because God has done somethings for us that nobody knows about. It was the Lord who was with us early in the morning, it was the Lord that was with us when we didn’t know what to do, it was the Lord that provided when there were no provisions. If i was preaching this morning , I would shout right here, shout knowing that if God does not do anything else, He has already dine enough; Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is worthy to be praised!

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1 Comment

Hannah Johnson
Feb 16

Amen Preacher. Amen nobody can to us like God. Praise God !!!

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