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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Our Help pt. 3

Psalms 121:7-8

The Lord shall [c]preserve you from all evil;

He shall preserve your soul.

8 The Lord shall preserve[d] your going out and your coming in

From this time forth, and even forevermore.

Quickword: Our Help pt. 3

In the final two verses is Psalm 121, the writer gives us the conclusion of the matter. The writer in the early verses explains to us that we can look to the hills unto the Lord because Our Help comes from the one who makes the Heavens and the Earth. The writer goes on to detail how the Lord protects and provides for us. Now in these closing verses, he concludes the matter by emphatically stating that the Lord preserves us from all evil, that the Lord preserves our soul. The writer tells us that the Lord preserves our going out and our coming in. Finally, the writer tells us that our preservation is not temporal but that the Lord, Our Help preserves us from this time forth and for evermore. Y’all missed the shout of the morning which is simply, The Lord is a Keeper- Yes He Is. Is there anybody that can be a witness this morning that the Lord is a Keeper. He kept us when we were sick, He kept us when the relationship ended , He kept us when we couldn’t pay our bills, He kept us when we had to bury a parent, spouse, child, close relative or friend. He kept us when we were betrayed, He kept us when we are marginalized and overlooked. He kept us when we loss the job, He kept us when our children went astray. My beloved brother and sisters, The Lord is a Keeper. The Lord is a Keeper, yes He is.

Let’s Pray. Dear God in Heaven, we simply paused this morning thanking you for being a keeper. Lord, you have kept us when we could not keep ourselves. You have kept us through the ups and downs of life and today God, we just say thank you. Thank you for keeping us even when we didn’t know we needed to be kept. God I ask that you keep us today through the situations and circumstances of life. God go before us today and shield us from all manner of evil. Watch over us in our going out and coming in. Thank you for preserving our souls from this time and forever more. God we love you, we honor you, we bless you and we give your name the glory. This is thy servants prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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1 Comment

Hannah Johnson
Apr 26

Praise God. Amen!

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