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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Paid In Full

Philippians 4:19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Quickword: Paid In Full

Last year during Black History Month, I rwatched an interview from an MSNBC morning show in which Jonathan Capehart interviewed Dr. Clarence Jones. Dr. Jones was an attorney and speech writer for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Jones shares a story from the civil rights movement that highlights God’s provision in Philippians 4:19. Dr. Jones retells the story of how Dr. King responded to primary white clergy who did not want him protesting the treatment of black people in Birmingham. As a result of this criticism, Dr. King on scraps and edges of newspapers wrote the famous letter from the Birmingham jail. Dr. Jones goes on to tell that the movement was receiving pressure as Dr. King and others, mostly young blacks were in jail with no way to pay the bail and fines of those being held behind bars. While In Birmingham, Dr. Jones receives a call from Actor & Activist, Harry Belafonte. Mr. Belafonte implored Dr. Jones to return to New York as soon as he could with instructions to call a telephone number once back in New York. Dr. Jones does what Belafonte tells him and after making the phone call is summons to Chase Bank in New York. Here he is met by members of the Rockefeller family and is given $100,000 cash with one caveat. Dr. Jones has to sign an on demand promissary note. Dr. Jones calls Belafonte and relays to him what transpired to include him now being on the hook for a $100,000 demand note. Belafonte responds, better you than me…Jones returns back to Alabama and is able to bail out Dr. King and others but he still has this demand note. Jones upon returning to his office in New York, receives a message that he has to sign for. The document is marked private and confidential; could this be the bank demanding the note be paid. When Dr. Jones opens the correspondence, it is in regards to the note, but it is marked paid in full. Y’all, the good news is that our note, our debt for our sins has been paid in full by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus paid for us a debt he did not owe. The penalty of our sins has been paid in full! The writer of Philippians words are still true today: And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Paid in Full!

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