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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Peace Be Still…

Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

Quickword: Peace Be Still….

In this very familiar passage of scripture in the Gospel of Mark, we find Jesus speaking to the winds of a storm saying, Peace Be Still! Jesus has been teaching on the seaside and at the end of the day as He and the disciples make their way to the other side a storm arose. In this brief Quickword today, there are many of us facing storms. We are facing storm winds of illnesses , the storm winds of financial burdens, the storm winds of strained relationship just to name a few. Jesus is asleep on the ship when the storm arises and when He is awaken He speaks to the storm Peace Be Still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm.

- The Storms of Life are going to come, some will come quickly and unexpectedly.

- The Storms of life come and they can cause destruction

- The Storms of life will come but Jesus Still speaks Peace

My brothers and sisters, I pray that whatever storm you are facing today that Jesus will speaks peace. Let us take comfort in knowing that Jesus knows what we are going through and still speaks. He still speaks to the storm winds in our lives and when Jesus speaks there is a great calm. Dear God in Heaven, I pray that those who are facing the storms of life that you will speak peace to every situation and circumstance, bring a great calm upon us in the name of Jesus.

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