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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Praise from Generation to Generation.

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

Psalm 145:4 One generation shall praise Your works to another,

And shall declare Your mighty acts.

Quick word: Praise from Generation to Generation

During worship services on yesterday, a family offered words of congratulations and thanksgiving as we honored our Pastor and 1st Lady for 12 years of service. Words of thanksgiving and praise were uttered from three generations of this family. This video tribute in its content alone was a blessing for me to hear. Yet as I listened to the praises being lifted to God I was blessed as it reminded me that we serve a God from Generation to Generation. Praises are offered up to God for the mighty things He has done: This Quick word reminded me that:

- Every Generation has its own Praise

- Every Generation has a responsibility to pass the reasons for their praises

from one Generation to the next.

- Every Generation has a reason to Praise God because of his mighty acts

When we look back over our lives we can see the handiwork of an awesome God. When we look back and examine our ancestors history, God has been with us through some of the most difficult times in our lives. He has brought us slavery, through segregation, we still today deal with the impact of systemic racism in every aspect of our existence. We must pass these lessons from Generations to Generations. I hear the words echoing in the silence of my home this morning. If it had not been the Lord, who was on our side where would we be. So I lift praises this morning to a God who has and continues to be with us from Generation to Generation.

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