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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Praise God, Anyhow!

Psalms 150: 1&6

1 Praise theLord.[a]

Praise God in his sanctuary;

praise him in his mighty heavens.

6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

Quickword: Praise God, Anyhow

Life does not always go the way we think it should. Who would have thought that we would be dealing with the impacts of Covid 19 some 34 months since we became aware of it. Many of us have lost loved ones, some shockingly unexpected. You thought you would be further along in your career but things have not gone as well as you hoped . The person you thought you would share your life with has not arrived on the scene and you are thinking Lord, the love of my life made a wrong turn. My brothers and sisters, whatever you are going through right now I want to encourage you to praise God anyhow!

- Praise God through the ups and downs of life, Anyhow!

- Praise God everywhere from His Sanctuary to the Heavens! Anyhow!

- Praise God, let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Anyhow!

You maybe asking why should I praise God when all is not well. I want to suggest that we should praise Him because things could be a whole lot worse. Praise Him for waking us up this morning, praise Him for shelter and food! Praise Him for keeping us in our right minds. Praise Him knowing that the Lord has the power to turn things around immediately! Praise Him as the Saint of old would say for a reasonable portion of health and strength! Praise Him because if we are truthful, we know that if the Lord does not do anything else, He has already done enough. When Praises go up blessings come down. I’m going to praise God anyhow. I'm going to praise Him while I'm going through and I’m going to Praise Him when He brings me through. Don’t wait, praise the Lord now, anyhow!

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