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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Praise Reflex.,,

Psalms 150: 2 Praise Him for His mighty acts;

Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!

Quickword: Praise Reflex!

Over lunch yesterday, somehow my wife and I got on the subject of reflexes. I was reminded of the reflex hammer used by Physians when I was taking sports physicals and later in the Army during exams. The doctor would tap the knee gently with the hammer and without hesitation, the knee would move forward or reflex. As we talk, I said to Mignon, what if we had a praise reflex every time God touched us or did something for us.? Y'all don't know when to shout.

- God still touches humanity

- Because God touches us, we should praise Him for His mighty acts

- Since God still touches us we should praise Him for His excellent greatness.

In the middle of the restaurant, I said when God touches me and wakes me in the morning, my praise reflex should make me raise my hand. When I open my eyes and God has given me eyes to see, my praise reflex should cause my other hand to go up. When I realize that I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, my praise reflex kicks in. When I walk to the garage, get in my car, start driving to my job, my praise reflexes takes over. All I'm trying to get you to see this morning is that we don't have to wait until Sunday morning or Wednesday Night, whenever we are touched by God, our Praise reflexes move. When God touches us, we should lift our hands, when God touches us, our mouths should open and give Him praise. When God touches us, with every fiber of our being, our Praise reflexes kick in and we praise God for his mighty acts, we praise God for His excellent Greatness. When I call His name, my praise reflexes kick in. God is worthy, God is worthy , God is worthy and if God does not do anything else, He has already done enough!!!!

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2 comentários

Hannah Johnson
23 de set. de 2023

Keep on preaching the word. Gods blessing on you.


Hannah Johnson
23 de set. de 2023

Amen Preacher Amen. To God Be The Glory. Amen

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