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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Praise The Lord

Psalms 150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.

Quickword: Praise The Lord!

The 150th number of Psalms leads us to a place of individual and collective praise. As you read the Psalms in its entirety, it tells us where to praise God; vs 1: Praise God in the Sanctuary and the firmament of His power.

The Psalmist further instructs us why we should praise God; vs 2: Praise God for His mighty acts according to His excellent greatness. Verses 3-5 illustrates to us how we should praise God. We should praise God with the trumpet, the psaltery and the harp, praise Him with timbrel and dance; praise Him with stringed instruments and organ, praise Him with cymbals and high sounding cymbals. Then in vs 6, the Psalmists declares who should praise God. The Psalmist declares, Let everyone who has breath; praise the Lord.

Let everything who has breath, praise the Lord!

Let everything who has breath, praise the Lord!

Let everything who has breath, praise the Lord!

My brothers and sisters, praise is personal. If you have a reason to praise God, If God has done anything for you, If you made it to see another day, If you have food to eat, if you have a place to live, if you have clothes for your body, if you have a reasonable portion of health and strength, if you have a job and a means to support yourself and your family, if you are in your right mind, if you have breath in your body; Let everything who has breath praise the Lord!

He is worthy of all of our praise!

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