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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Praise The Lord Today!

Psalms 113:1-3

1 Praise[a] the Lord!

Praise, O servants of the Lord,Praise the name of the Lord!Blessed be the name of the Lord From this time forth and forevermore!From the rising of the sun to its going downThe Lord’s name is to be praised

Quickword: Praise The Lord Today!

I pray that this post finds everyone doing well. As most of you know I attempt to post a Quickword early in the morning. Today, I was not able to do it and thought about skipping a day. I was then reminded of this passage of scripture; particularly verse 3: From the rising of the sun to its going down, The Lord's name

is worthy to be praised.

  • Regardless of the time of the day, the Lord's name is worthy to be praised

  • The Lord's name is worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun until the going down of the same.

  • The Lord's name is worthy to be praised from this time to forevermore.

Y'all I've lived long enough now to know that tomorrow is not promised to any of us. I recently listened to a basketball coach talking with his team. He shared with them, one the greatest blessings we take for granted is that when we leave our homes, we are going to return safely. Whenever you are, don't take today for granted. If you're schedule is a little off like mines today; don't put it off, take a minimum to give God praise. He is worthy and you will feel better too.

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