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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Pray and then Pray Some More

1st Thessalonians 5:16-18

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Quickword: Pray and then Pray Some More

This morning, I am aware of a number of persons who stand in need of prayer. The 17th verse of 1st Thessalonians tells us that we should pray without ceasing. My elementary take on this text is that we should pray and then pray some more. This morning, I pray for those families and persons who are mourning the lost of a love one; I pray for those who have been diagnosed with a serious illness; I pray right now for those who are undergoing or preparing to undergo surgery; I pray for those who have recently lost their jobs; I pray for those whose relationships are strained, I pray for those who peace( peace of mind, peace of stability, peace of safety) is under attack; I pray for persons who have no place to call home or a sustain food supply. Lord hear our prayers come before you:

Eternal God our Father, I come before you this morning knowing that you are the creator and sustainer of all things. God I come this morning asking you to move on the lives of those who need you urgently. I pray that you will remind those who sit in the seat of bereavement that you are the sovereign God; that this period of weeping will soon give way unto joy. God I pray that you be with medical professionals as they perform surgeries and procedures on those who need relief. God I bombard heaven this morning for the least among us, children who need food, shelter and a safe environment. I pray for marriages that are in the midst of strain and struggle, renew the love of each person in the relationship and remind them of their commitment to one another and to you. God I pray for everyone who sense of peace is under attack, I pray even know that you remind us that your ever presence and all power that resides in you produces peace if we lean upon you. God, whoever encounters this word of prayer this morning, may you hand of Grace and Mercy fall fresh upon them. God heal as only you can heal, deliver as only you can deliver, God be a constant presence with us throughout this day and the days to come. God we need you and we are going to pray and then pray some more knowing that you are not only a prayer hearing God but a prayer answering God. Forgive us of our sins. This is thy servants prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen

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