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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Prayer Still Works

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Quickword: Prayer still works.

This verses in James chapter 5 is a word that reminds us that prayer still works. Do you know of anyone who needs prayer. today I pray for:

- The single mother or single father who are doing their best to provide for their children.

- The grieving mother who is preparing to lay their child to rest

- The couple who marriage seems to be falling apart

- The educators who have done amazing work teaching children during a global pandemic

- The Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman that’s away from his or her family standing guard in some far away place

- The recent college graduate who is saddled with student loan debt and job offers that don’t pay a living wage

- The persons who are dealing with a cancer diagnosis

- The Police office, Politician, and Judge who are trying their best in a challenging world

- Religious leaders who guide congregations with diverse needs

- Families who have been drastically impacted by rising prices of basic necessities.

There are so many other things and persons that could be listed here. You know the needs of family members, friends, coworkers and even ourselves. The good news is that prayer still works.

Dear God in Heaven, we use this space this morning to lift up the concerns of those who are hurting, those who are in need. God, in our finite knowledge, we are unable to grasp the magnitude of need but God you know. So today God, I come before your throne of Grace knowing that you have the power and the capacity to meet the needs of a hurting world. Touch the sick, feed the humgry, clothe the naked. Calm thise in choas, comfort those who grieve, care for those who are in harms way. God, we need you like we have never needed you before. We come before you because we believe the words of scripture that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Pour out your Spirit upon this your people in the name of Jesus. Amen

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