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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Prayer Still Works

Matthew 6:6

6 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you[c]openly.

Quickword: Prayer Still Works

This morning's Quickword simply encourages us to pray. On a daily basis as the Minister of Pastoral Care at my church, as an Army Civilian employee who deals with the needs of persons, as a husband, father, friend and colleague, very seldom does a day pass that I don't encounter someone who is going through something. If I'm honest on those days when it's relatively quiet, I find myself dealing with my own cares and concerns. Here in the Gospel of Matthew we find Jesus preparing to layout to His disciples the model prayer, most commonly known to us as the Lord's Prayer. This morning I found the guidance of the Lord concerning prayer helpful. As we are in the midst of the Advent season, many of us are in a season of adversity. We are dealing with the lost of a loved one, we are dealing with a Dr's diagnosis or medical procedure. We are caring for aging parents and working in some cases toxic environments. This text teach us us to Pray.

  • Go into our room, shut the door and pray

  • Pray to the father in secret

  • The father who sees in secret will reward openly

This morning, I encourage you no matter what you are facing to pray. Don't worry about getting the words right, just cry out unto the Lord. Can I share some good news with you? The good news being the Lord still hears and answers prayer. I'll be a witness today, the Lord still comforts the bereaved, The Lord still heals the sick. The Lord still provides for those in need; The Lord is a keeper, yes He is. As you prepare to start your day, call on the name of the Lord, prayer still works.

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