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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Precious Saints

Psalm 116: 15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

Quickword: Precious Saints

The word precious is defined as greatly loved or treasured by someone. This mornings post is rather short as my wife and I find ourselves again preparing to board a flight traveling to attend the Homegoing service of a friend, servant of God and mentor to us both who has now moved from Labor to Reward. I take comfort in knowing that the Saints of God are precious in the sight of the Lord even at death.

- The Lord welcomes the redeemed into the presence of His Glory.

- The works of the Saints follow them and are precious in the sight of the Lord.

- The Saints who die in the Lord provide for us an example of how to live until the Lord calls us hone!

Tomorrow, we will say an earthly goodbye to a Preacher, Pastor, Author, Activist Mother, Wife, and Friend. Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning! Pastor Laverne Gill, take your rest, sleep well, we will see you in the morning!

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