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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Rest For A Weary Soul

Psalms 62:1-2

1 Truly my soul silently waits for God;

From Him comes my salvation.

2 He only is my rock and my salvation;

He is my defense;

I shall not be greatly moved.

Quickword: Rest For A Weary Soul

Over this past holiday season as usual during this time of year, I attempt to catch up with friends both far and nears. A majority of my friends come from two career fields, one the military and the other ministry both areas where I’ve spent the majority of my adult life. It has been during these exchanges that I found that I’m not alone, many of us find that our souls are weary. Weary from caring and ministering to people while we deal with our own life challenges. I hear the words of my late Pastor, Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Terry Sr., who would often say to a weary congregation, when your back is up against the wall, when you are weary, the question to ask is simply is there a word from the Lord. This morning in this Quickword, I believe Psalms 62 provides a word of encouragement to those of us who need rest for a weary soul. The word directs us to:

- Wait silently for the Lord, from Him

comes our Salvation

- Wait on the Lord, He is our Rock and Salvation , He is our defense.

- Wait on the Lord, we shall not be moved but He will give us strength to make it through.

There is a word from the Lord today, not only to Pastors and Preachers, not only to military personnel but to all of us this morning who have weary souls. A weary soul does not recover from just a good night sleep. No, a weary soul is refueled from spending quality time with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. My brothers and sisters who are doing ministry , those who are laboring to take care of love one with illnesses, educators and administrators who are doing there very best, caregivers and so many others whose souls are weary. Hold on just a little while longer. Even while we sit in silence, I believe the Lord hears the cries and prayers from our weary souls. The God whom I serve is still a prayer hearing and praying answering Savior! Help is on the way in the name of Jesus, we shall find rest for weary souls.

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1 Comment

Hannah Johnson
Jan 11

Praise God for the encourage word to all of us with weary souls. Thanks you for this word a reminder God see and knows our weariness. Amen. Amen!!!!!

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