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  • Writer's pictureWillie Spann

Seek His Face

1st Chronicles 16:11

Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually.

Quickword: Seek His Face

Hurricane Ian has left large parts of Florida with tremendous destruction, devastation and an unknown number of deaths. The storm potentially may cause further damage as it makes its way up the East Coast. Today, this text I believe is relevant in that it reminds us the seek the face of God continually.

Dear God in heaven, I come seeking your face. I asked that you be with persons and families that have been gravely impacted by Hurricane Ian. I pray now for those who have loss love ones, I pray for those whose homes , property and businesses have been lost. I pray for first responders and utility workers who are working diligently to restore some sense of order. I pray for cooperation and coordinated efforts among local, state and national governments. God I ask that you show us who are able ways to support these our brothers and sisters who are in need. God we pray for those now who are in the path of the storm. I asked that you be a wall of protection around them as only you can be. God, we come seeking your face knowing that you are a God of strength, you are a God of restoration, knowing that you know what needs to be done and who needs to be touched. God move as only can can, speak to the wind and the waves in your mighty name. You are God who never leaves or forsakes us especially in our times of need. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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